Drunk Driving Statistics

Alcohol Drinkign and Driving Stats Chart

Drunk Driving Statistics

Drunk driving or driving while impaired or under the influence of illegal substances is still a major problem for those on and off the road in the United States. According to the CDC in October 2011 there were nearly 11,000 car accident fatalities linked with drunk driving. These drunk driving statistics are related to accidents where at least one driver had a blood alcohol level above the legal limit.

The number of drunk driving statistics is still too high and may always be too high. The number of drivers that get behind the wheel after having too much to drink is frightening. The numbers for drunk driving statistics have decreased due to groups such as MADD etc. for example, the 2006 drunk driving statistics still showed about 20% more fatalities than the most recent drunk driving statistics. More drunk driving statistics from the CDC estimated that more than 112 million episodes of drunk driving or alcohol-impaired driving occur every year. Combine this now with other things like texting and driving on dangerous road condition and the number of car accident fatalities can sky rocket.

Some more drunk driving statistics from Madd.org

  • Drivers involved in fatal crashes with a BAC level of .08 or higher in 2010 were 28 percent for motorcycle riders, 23 percent for passenger cars, and 22 percent for light trucks. The percentage of drivers with BAC levels of .08 or higher in fatal crashes was the lowest for large trucks at 2 percent.
  • Over 1.41 million drivers were arrested in 2010 for driving under the influence of alcohol or narcotics
  • About one-third of all drivers arrested or convicted of driving while intoxicated or driving under the influence of alcohol are repeat offenders
  • Almost half of all drivers who were killed in crashes and tested positive for drugs also had alcohol in their system

Drunk driving statistics show that young people are most likely to be involved in fatal drunk driving accidents. Young people meaning those aged 21-24. Motorcyclists and drivers that have had a prior conviction for DWI are also more likely. In fatal crashes in 2010, the highest percentage of drunk drivers was for drivers ages 21 to 24 (34 percent), followed by ages 25 to 34 (30 percent) and 35 to 44 (25 percent). These drunk driving statistics are why the government is so harsh on convicted DWI offenses and upping their game on stopping drunk driving from happening. For instance they install more checkpoints on the roads, take away drivers licenses, and install ignition interlock systems into cars or require those convicted to attend drug alcohol treatment.

Drunk driving statistics may be down from 2006 but there are a lot more things that can be done on the individual level to keep the statistics dropping. For instance, if you know you are going to be drinking make sure that you have alternative transportation or that someone who hasn’t been drinking can drive you home. If you know someone has been drinking too much don’t allow them to drive. Take their keys. If you are hosting a party and serving alcohol make sure to remind your guests to drive responsibly. Be sure to offer drinks that don’t contain alcohol so that those who will be driving have something else to drink instead of alcoholic beverages.

Source www.cdc.gov

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