How to stop drinking

How to stop drinking

how to stop drinkingDrinking isn’t a scary thing until it becomes a problem. It gets especially scary when you find yourself drinking even when you don’t want to. It can seem impossible to overcome your drinking but there are actually steps you can to stop drinking. As long as you haven’t reached the point of no return you can do what you need to rewind and stop your problem drinking in its tracks.

How to stop drinking: acknowledge why you do it

Why do you engage in your drinking? You have to be able to answer that question in order to stop drinking. Is it to help you with anxiety and stress? It may be hard to admit why you have you are drinking but you can’t change what you don’t acknowledge exists. Admit why you engage in the problem drinking to yourself and you are on your to stopping drinking.

How to stop drinking: Think rational thoughts instead of sitting in denial

You probably understand at a conscious and intellectual level that your drinking is unhealthy yet you keep on using or drinking and this baffles you. If you are in denial about your drinking this is probably why. If you can’t get through the day without a shot of vodka, you may be self-medicating and if you have reached the point of knowing its bad and can’t stop you may need outside help from something like a drug rehab to stop drinking. Realizing this is a rational thought.

How to stop drinking: Using coping skills

People never break bad habits they merely replace them with new ones. Recognize that you get a reward of some sort from smoking, using drugs, and drinking. Find something else to give you that reward and you have found new coping skills and have stopped the drinking. If you have reached the point of no return and need to attend rehab it is still a very good idea to find new coping skills for life for when you are out of rehab. Finding new coping skills can stop drinking in its tracks. And if you can stop drinking then you can begin to live a healthy life again. You have the ability to quiet yourself without drugs and alcohol; without your alcohol. You also have the ability to reduce stress without drugs and alcohol. Find new things to use to stop drinking instead of drugs and alcohol which fuel it.

How to stop drinking: Have a support system and become accountable

If you truly want to stop drinking and get clean then you are going to need help from people and you are going to need to be accountable to those people. Accountability means showing up when you say you are going to and no longer engaging in alcoholic drinking behaviors like being flaky. The support system you have is meant to help you stop drinking by telling you the truth about yourself when you want to go into denial about your drinking. Your support system will also help you to find new ways to be healthier and do those things with you. Support and accountability can also come in the form of rehab to stop drinking.



If you need help with your addiction give us a call now at 1-800-984-4003.

Dangers of Drinking in the Morning

Dangers of Drinking in the Morning

There are two main dangers of drinking in the morning: first, although it prevents heavy drinkers from going into alcohol withdrawals, this is an indication of something more problematic than a hangover; second, drinking in the morning can affect your family and social life and your physical health. So, if you find yourself needing an eye-opener most if not every day, it’s time to reevaluate things.

Drinking in the Morning and Hair of the Dog

The term ‘hair of the dog’ is a shortened version of the phrase: “A hair of the dog that bit you is all that you need” to cure a hangover. This sentiment has been repeated many a time by those giving advice to their remorseful friends wishing to avoid the nasty consequences of heavy drinking the night before: the dreaded hangover. Drinking in the morning, or having an “eye-opener,” is thought to “cure” a hangover however, all it does it delay the inevitable symptoms: pounding headache, light and sound sensitivity, nausea, upset stomach, and so on.

In actuality, the true purpose drinking in the morning is to get you back to where you were five hours ago. Read: intoxicated. After getting about five hours’ sleep, hair of the dog is the virtual time machine that brings you back to last night’s state of drunkenness. And this is an indication of the many dangers of drinking in the morning that are to come.

The Dangers of Drinking in the Morning

One of the dangers of drinking in the morning is that it too easily can become a habit – an indication of a greater problem. If you are going to be driving, then even a small amount of alcohol in the morning can put you over the legal limit when you consider that your blood alcohol content from the night before is still a factor.

Social Dangers of Drinking in the Morning

There are many dangers of drinking in the morning including:

If you feel like you have to drink first thing in the morning in order to face the day, this is most likely an indication psychological dependence on alcohol.

Other dangers of drinking in the morning are that it can easily lead to drinking all day and can make you less productive, which can affect your job.

Drinking in the morning can make you more likely to be involved in accidents – car, work, etc.

Drinking in the morning will usually cause you to blow off your responsibilities.

Health Dangers of Drinking in the Morning

If you are drinking in the morning in order to avoid alcohol withdrawal symptoms, then you are already physically dependent and have possibly crossed over into alcoholism.

If you’re drinking in the morning, you are most likely drinking alone, meaning that you are not drinking alcohol to be sociable but to feel the effects of the alcohol – another indication of burgeoning alcoholism.

Other health dangers of drinking in the morning develop because of drinking alcohol on an empty stomach. This is extremely damaging to your health because it puts you at a greater likelihood of developing alcoholic liver disease and alcoholic dementia.










If you need help with your addiction give us a call now at 1-800-984-4003.