Hangover: The Junk Food Remedy

Using food to recover from a hangover is nothing new. Hangover: The Junk Food Remedy generates neatly 9 million results on Google and is total fallacy. Here are some of the best hangover cures that are healthy, and some of the foods you should stay far away from better known as the junk food remedy.

Good: Eggs

Eggs are naturally full of something called cysteine, a substance that can break down a toxin called acetaldehyde. Acetaldehyde is what causes all the awful hangover symptoms, so the quicker you break it down, the quicker you’ll feel better.

Bad: Coffee

While coffee has a great reputation as a hangover cure, that couldn’t be further from the truth. Coffee is a diuretic, which means it will exacerbate the alcohol’s dehydrating effect and leave you feeling even more sickly. It can be hard to resist the instant wake-up coffee brings, but it will be worth it in the end.

Good: Water

On the flip-side, keeping well hydrated with water will help your body to recover from the dehydration the alcohol has put it through. Adding a little salt to the water can help to replace the sodium your body lost the night before and speed up your recovery process even more.

Bad: Spicy Food

Spicy foods can’t do much to help your body get back to normal, but they can irritate an upset stomach. Unless you have a craving and a strong stomach, this is better to stay away from.

Good: Ginger

While other foods may upset your stomach, ginger will soothe it and fight off any feelings of nausea that you may have. A cup of Ginger Ale or some sweetened Ginger Tea will also help your body get a small amount of sugar- just enough to replenish the glycogen you lost the night before.

Bad: Fast Food

Many people will swear up and down that the grease in fast food will “soak a hangover up”, but unfortunately, it isn’t true. Like spicy foods, fast food won’t do much more than make you sick to your stomach. Save the junk food for another day.

Good: Bananas

A night of drinking takes a serious toll on your body’s potassium supply, and bananas are just the food to build it back up. One banana contains a whopping 467 mg of potassium

More Hangover Cures:

Hangover Cures: Vitamins

Hangover Remedies: Soups

Hangover Remedies: Sandwiches

Hangover Cures: Potassium, Carbs and Electrolytes

Healthy Hangover Cures

Hangover Home Remedies

Common Hangover Cures

New Hangover Cures

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Top 10 Hangover Tweets

Top 10 Hangover Tweets

When people get drunk they do funny things. One of those things due to social media allows us to share in their experience. Here are the top 10 hangover tweets that lets get a glimpse of what the night before looked like and what we should try to avoid in the morning.

1.      claytonfarris: Just woke up expecting to not know where I was, but I am home. Thank you to whoever dropped me off. #hungover

This is the perfect example of what is known as a blackout. If you ever have one of these moments where you wake up in the morning and parts of your evening are missing, chances are you blacked out. This can be dangerous but it also can offer up some good laughs if you make it home safe such as this person.

2.      yourfaveblonde: You guys, I am officially so hungover I might die. Going to bed now. If you haven’t heard from me in a few hours, come check on me!

“Officially, SO hungover.” Nice. Just a tip for yourfaveblonde, drink some water beforehand it will lessen the chances that you wake up just a couple hours later with your mouth as dry as a desert.

3.      AshleyLynn84: I am NEVER drinking like that again. HOLY CRAP! I think I am still drunk. But yet….SO HUNGOVER. WOW.

She must have had quite a bit of alcohol in her system to reach a state of still being drunk yet hungover. Some studies say that hangovers are a sign of alcohol withdrawal. Maybe slow down on the amount your consuming so you don’t reach a hangover before you aren’t even drunk anymore.

4.      lindzinlove: Death is near… So fu$$kn hungover.

Chances are if you are posting on twitter you are going to be just fine. Do drink plenty of water though. Hangovers are a sign your body is missing some vital nutrients, some nutrients as basic as H20.

5.     DreaTorres: Locked out of the house: cold, tired, and hungover FML

We have nothing to say about this. It just sucks. Chances are this guy has his keys to his house in his pocket, but is just too hungover to find them.

6.      heatheralxandra: The fact I’m in my bed, hungover, wallowing in self-pity and too scared to check how much money I spent last night means I had a good night.

The definition of a good night is all relative. Our hats are off to ya though if this is your definition of good.

7.      ranalees: sooo Im a lil hungover but in a fanfreakintastic mood. It is beautiful outside and its Sat. so what more can u ask for.

Staying positive is always good. We can’t say that this will always be the case for ranalees though. Getting outside, drinking some water, maybe even doing a little exercise may help with that hangover

8.      La_Wendy: Hate wen I’m hungover & I turn too fast and my head starts spinning haven’t had one of these in I don’t know how long.

LA_Wendy couldn’t even remember what that spinning feeling is called. Let us remind you, they are called “the spins.” This is a sign you are quite drunk and quite hungover. Best bet for this is to sleep and drink some water, lots and lots of water.

9.      gg112pm: RT @juliebenz: Never go grocery shopping when you are hungover and thirsty…. You end up buying way too many vitamin drinks.. Just sayin’…

This goes along with the same old adage- “don’t ever grocery shop when you’re hungry.” You may have spent too much money on vitamin water but its always good to have incase this ever happens again, we hope it doesn’t.

10.  aypro: @jpauldaigle magnitude of hangover? i think i’ll still be hungover tomorrow.

That’s an intense hangover and we are glad we are not experiencing that with you. It always feels worse than it really is though. Drink some water, get some sleep, check out some healthy hangover cures and chances are you will be right as rain tomorrow.





If you need help with your addiction give us a call now at 1-800-984-4003.

Legal Ways to Get High

Legal Ways to Get High

Legal Ways to Get High


It’s become increasingly common, in recent years, for young people to search for legal ways to get high. Manufacturers of synthetic, “legal” drugs like spice and bath salts are raking in the cash by responding to that demand, and law enforcement officials are struggling to respond to the flood of legal drugs on the market.  The problem is that these so-called legal drugs can be highly dangerous, and young people around the country are being hospitalized for bad reactions to these “legal” highs.

Here are the some of the most popular legal ways to get high:

 1. Synthetic Marijuana– Legal pot is also known as Spice, K2, Genie Silver and Yucatan Fire. It is sold as “incense” and labeled “not for human consumption.” These herbal mixtures are infused with chemicals that activate the same receptors as marijuana. The side effects, however, are much more drastic. Smoking legal pot can produce a strong high as well as psychosis, rapid heartbeat, seizures, and even death. The American Association of Poison Control has observed over a 50% increase in calls related to legal pot this year compared to last.

2. Bath Salts – Bath salts are sold legally online and in drug paraphernalia stores under a variety of names, such as “Ivory Wave,” “Purple Wave,” “Red Dove,” “Blue Silk,” “Zoom,” “Bloom,” “Cloud Nine,” “Ocean Snow,” “Lunar Wave,” “Vanilla Sky,” “White Lightning,” “Scarface,” and “Hurricane Charlie.” Because formulations of bath salts change so often in an attempt to keep ahead of laws prohibiting their manufacture, very little is known about the chemical makeup of the drug. What we do know is that bath salts contain synthetic stimulant drugs of the amphetamine and cathinone classes, such as methylenedioxypyrovalerone (MPDV), mephedrone and pyrovalerone.   Many bath salt users compare their effects to methamphetamine. These drugs are typically administered orally, by insufflation, by inhalation, or by injection, with the worst outcomes apparently associated with snorting or intravenous administration.

Law enforcement officials are alarmed at the effects of these drugs, which have been known to cause paranoia and intense hallucinations. Emergency room personnel report that patients who have ingested bath salts are so highly agitated and violent that they sometimes require a whole medical team to restrain them. Sometimes even powerful sedatives are not sufficient in calming these people down. Bath started turning up regularly in the United States last year and have proliferated in recent months, alarming doctors, who say they have unusually dangerous and long-lasting effects.

3. Cough Medication: Cough formulations containing the drug dextromethorphane (DXM) are also used as a legal way to get high. DXM containing formulations are usually known on the street as “triple C’s” (as the medication is used to treat cold, cough, and congestion) and use of DXM is sometimes called “robo-tripping” (as the DXM containing medication Robotussin is commonly used). At high levels, DXM acts as a dissociative hallucinogenic. Some users say the effect is similar to those produced by ketamine and PCP. It can produce visual hallucinations, dissociations, excitement, and a loss of sense of time. DXM can also cause nausea, vomiting, and difficulty breathing.

Disclaimer: These were gathered from the websites various websites on the Internet and we do not condone or support any means of getting high; whether legal or illegal. Use at your own risk. This article is for informational purposes only.

If you need help with your addiction give us a call now at 1-800-984-4003.

Hangover Home Remedies

Hangover Home Remedies
Hangover Home Remedies


There are many ways to prevent a hangover. The number one way to prevent a hangover is not drinking so much or spreading out your drinks over a longer period of time. Drinking water also helps, as does drinking on a full stomach. But sometimes, despite our best efforts (or any effort), a night of partying can end in a pounding headache, upset stomach, and dizziness.

The best cure for a hangover is time, but if you don’t want to suffer, here are some hangover home remedies that can help:

1.) Bananas: One of the best hangover home remedies is bananas. They are full of potassium, which is something your body needs after a night of drinking. It’s also good to get something in your stomach when you have a hangover, to help with sour stomach.

2.) Ginger ale: Ginger is a great hangover home remedy because it treats nausea. The carbonation in ginger ale will also help settle your stomach.

3.) Peppermint or chamomile tea: These teas are natural antacids so they make good hangover home remedies. For extra relief, use honey instead of sugar to sweeten the tea. Honey contains fructose, which competes with the metabolism of alcohol. This helps a hangover, because the quick metabolism of alcohol is what causes many hangover symptoms.

4.) Water, Juice, or Sports Drinks: Many hangover symptoms are caused by dehydration. You’re body loses a lot of fluids and other nutrients during a night of drinking. Drinking a lot of water, juice, or other sports drinks can help you replenish some of what you lost. Steer clear of acidic juices, like orange, as acidic juices can sometimes exacerbate a sour stomach. Sports drinks can help replenish electrolytes, as well as hydrating your body.

5.) Toast or Rice: Toast and rice are classic hangover home remedies. Food is often the last thing you want to consider when recovering from a wicked hangover, but having something on your stomach can help settle it and give you more energy. Rice and toast are simple and easy to ingest.

6.) Ice: Putting an icepack on your aching head can help with a wicked hangover. If you don’t have an icepack, a package of frozen vegetables works too. Or just rinse a washcloth in cold water and apply it to your forehead.

7.) Multivitamin: When you drink, you lose a lot of key nutrients, including B vitamins. Sometimes taking a multivitamin can help shorten the hangover.

8.) Pepto-Bismol: Pepto-Bismol is a great hangover home remedy because it can help with so many different stomach ailments that can be caused by excess drinking including: sour stomach, nausea, and diarrhea.

9.) Sleep: Sleep, aside from hydrating yourself, is a must in hangover home remedies. Rest is your best friend when you have a hangover. It gives your body a chance to recover and to regain energy. If you can, take a couple hours out of the day to nap when you have a hangover, or be sure to get to bed extra early the next night.

10.) Raw cabbage: Last, but not least on our list of hangover home remedies is raw cabbage. If you can stomach it, chewing on a piece of raw cabbage can cure a pounding headache.

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Can You Die From A Hangover?

Can you die from a hangover? First let’s discuss what a hangover is. The medical term for a hangover is veisalgia. A hangover is the unpleasant effects from alcohol withdrawal. Alcohol’s main ingredient is Ethanol and ethanol has a dehydrating effect that causes increased urine production, headaches, dry mouth and lethargy. Alcohol affects the brain and stomach so headaches and nausea are very common hangover symptoms.

Now, back to the original question at hand. Can you die from a hangover?

The symptoms themselves if severe enough can cause death. For example, in extreme cases dehydration can cause death. It’s also true that symptoms of a hangover can occur during alcoholic intoxication and after. If someone consumes enough alcohol to overdose then they could experience a hangover throughout their intoxication. So technically, a hangover can cause death but it might be a contributing factor more than the actual cause of death. Most of the effects of a hangover are headaches, dehydration, dry mouth, involuntary vomiting (which could be a sign of alcohol poisoning), increased body temperature and urges to use the bathroom. These symptoms alone aren’t great enough to cause death but mix in previous health issues, mixing of different alcoholic beverages, drugs, and you’ve got yourself an overdose of sorts. The severity of the hangover depends on how much alcohol a person has consumed, their height, weight, sex and overall tolerance. Some people can have 13 drinks in an 8-hour time span and wake up without a hangover while another person can have 4 drinks in an 8-hour time span and wake up with a horrible headache and diarrhea. So can you really die from a hangover? Yes and no. Like I said before a hangover occurs during and after intoxication and if you overdose then the symptoms like high fever and the amount of alcohol you consumed could have contributed to your death.

Although hangover remedies vary depending on whom you ask it’s best to rehydrate, fuel up on electrolytes, and get some food into your stomach. If you’re feeling so sick after a night of drinking that you feel like you’re dying or are asking, “Can you die from a hangover” seek medical attention as you might have alcohol poisoning or something more severe. We are all unique in body type, tolerance, and health history so do not If you are experiencing a hangover and feel like you’re dying call 911 immediately. If your hangover symptoms become severe and more than your normal dry mouth, headache, dehydration and other common hangover symptoms then call 911.

If you need help with your addiction give us a call now at 1-800-984-4003.

The Top 5 Strongest Alcoholic Drinks

The Top 5 Strongest Alcoholic Drinks

By Jenny Hunt

The strength of most alcoholic drinks is roughly the same. One shot of liquor = one beer = one glass of wine. But some alcoholic drinks stand out from the rest as far as alcohol content is concerned. Tread carefully though, these drinks are all but guaranteed to get you wickedly drunk and give you a nasty hangover. Here is a list of the top 5 strongest alcoholic drinks:

1. Everclear: Everclear takes the top spot on every list of the strongest alcoholic drinks we can find. This potent liquor is up to 95% alcohol (190 proof). It is also available in a less intoxicating form (75.5% alcohol or 151 proof) which is good because the stronger version is banned in thirteen states. Everclear is a grain alcohol manufactured by Luxco. This incredibly strong liquor can be used as an antiseptic, as a fuel in camping stoves, and as a cleaner.

2. Devil Springs Vodka: Typical vodka contains between 38 – 50% alcohol by volume (76 – 100 proof). Devil Springs Vodka contains a whopping 80% alcohol by volume (160 proof). While most vodka’s aren’t strong enough to extract much flavor and aroma, Devil Springs is perfect for creating your own flavored vodkas. It can be steeped with a number of herbs or fruits to create a unique blend.  Drinkers are cautioned to always dilute Devil Springs Vodka before consuming it.

3. Absinthe: No list of the strongest alcoholic drinks would be complete without the inclusion of Absinthe, maybe the most notorious alcoholic beverage of all time. Absinthe originated in Switzerland and was a popular drink among French artists in the 19th century.  Known as the Green Fairy, Absinthe is rumored to have hallucinogenic properties. The psychedelic properties are attributed to the trace amounts of thujone, a chemical in Absinthe that is derived from wormwood, and are likely much exaggerated. Up until 2007, Absinthe was banned in the US. It is available now, but the US versions are thujone free. Though the US version may be hallucinogenic-free, it is still a very strong drink. Absinthe contains 45-74% alcohol by volume (90 – 148 proof). Absinthe is usually diluted with water before being served over sugar cubes.

4. Bacardi 151: Most rum contains 35-40% alcohol by volume on average. Bacardi 151 contains 75.5% alcohol by volume. The liquid is flammable and is often used when creating flaming cocktails (like Flaming Dr. Peppers). Not surprisingly, Bacardi is the only manufacturer of strong rums to employ a flame arresting cap on every bottle. Definitely one of the strongest alcoholic drinks on the market!

5. Sierra Silver Tequila: Tequila is a liquor made from the blue agave plant, primarily found near the city of Tequila in Mexico. Many people believe that some tequila bottles contain worms that, when eaten, will produce a psychedelic or aphrodisiac effect. There is a worm – called a gusano, or a butterfly caterpillar – in some types of mescal, a different kind of Mexican liquor. However, there seems to be no truth in the claim that the worm has any psychoactive properties.  Tequila is most often made at 38-40 alcohol by volume. At 75% alcohol by volume (150 proof) Sierra Silver Tequila is by far the strongest tequila available for sale in the US. Only 1/2% less alcohol by volume than Bacardi 151, it comes in at number 5 on our top 5 strongest alcoholic drinks list.


If you need help with your addiction give us a call now at 1-800-984-4003.

Too Many Hangovers May Be A Problem

If you have ever had a hangover you know that it is truly unpleasant and a result of making poor choices the night before. 75% or more of those who drink alcoholic beverages experience hangover symptoms the next morning. Too many hangovers like this may be a problem.

Typical symptoms of a hangover are headache, upset stomach, vomiting or nausea, a bad taste in your mouth, depressed mood, lack of interest in doing normal things the next morning, and a lapse of memory regarding events from the night before. Some individuals feel a sense of guilt over behavior or events that happen during their drinking. When this happens often and you feel you have been having too many hangovers there may be a problem. There are many contributing factors to the occurrence of a hangover. The most obvious factor is the consumption of too much alcohol. Then there is the lack of sleep, drinking on an empty stomach, drinking too much in a small amount of time, having a dehydrated body, and being in poor health.

Too many hangovers may be a problem not only because of the deterioration of your health but also because of the effects it will eventually have on your work performance, school performance, and performance when it comes to life in general. Too many hangovers may also be a problem because it is a sign that you cannot control your drinking to the point that you can stop before you have a hangover. Hangovers being caused by drinking too much alcohol are a sign that you need to either stop drinking or seriously moderate your drinking. If you find that you continue to have negative symptoms due to drinking and too many hangovers then there may be a problem.

Hangovers are not a problem if they only happen once in awhile. While it is true that 75% of people who drink alcoholic beverages experience hangover symptoms that does not mean they are experiencing them frequently. Too many hangovers may be a problem if they persist, especially if you always have a hangover after you drink. A hangover is a sign that your body need to recover from the amount you were drinking and if you are drinking enough to be experiencing too many hangovers then your health, mind, body, work, school, and vocations could be in jeopardy of being hindered or lost all together.

Too many hangovers may be a problem but the way to truly find out is to try and limit your drinking or stop drinking all together and see how it goes. If you find you cannot do either of these things then your constant hangovers may be a more serious problem than you thought initially. If your hangovers turn out to be more of a problem than you expected the next step would be to seek outside help from some kind of alcohol counseling, treatment, or self-help group in your area.

If you need help with your addiction give us a call now at 1-800-984-4003.

The Top 5 College Drinking Games


The Top 5 College Drinking Games

By Jenny Hunt

March 9, 2012


5.            Power Hour: This game has pretty simple rules. It’s more of a drinking marathon than a game. Basically, everyone playing takes a shot of beer every minute for an hour. A more extreme version of the game is known as Century Club, where you take a shot of beer every minute for one hundred minutes. You can add rules to the game. An example is if you go to the bathroom before the end of the hour you must finish a beer.


4.            Flip Cup: This game requires a long table and enough plastic cups for everyone playing. Two teams should be formed with an equal number of players. The teams stand on opposite ends of the table, and a plastic cup full of beer is placed in front of them. When the game starts, the first player chugs his or her beer as fast as possible. Then they will set their empty cup on the edge of the table and then try to flip it upside down with their finger. They must keep trying to flip the cup until they succeed. Once they have flipped, the second person chugs his or her beer and tries to flip their cup. This continues down the line. The team that finishes first wins.


3.            Asshole: Asshole is a fun card game to play with four or more people. The object of the game is to be the first person to play all of the cards in their hand. Start by dealing out all of the cards. The person to the dealer’s left starts the play by laying down a card or cards with the same face value. The next person has to lay down the same number of cards with greater value (i.e. if the first person lays down one five, the next person has to lay down a six or above, if the first person lays down 2 tens, the next person must lay down two cards of the same value, and the value must be greater than ten.) A two, three, or four can be played at any time. A two clears the play, and it begins again with the person who cleared it. Threes are wild card. A four is a social: everyone drinks. If a player does not have any cards to play on his or her turn, they must drink. After the first hand, players are assigned a title based on the order in which they won the first game. The winner becomes the President, and he or she may make up a rule for the next hand of play (for example: no saying “drink”, “drank”, or “drunk”). Anyone who breaks the rule must drink. The President can demand that anyone take a drink at any time. The second place winner is the Vice-President and sits on the left of the President. He or she can demand that anyone except the President must drink.  The person that comes in last is the Asshole. The Asshole must shuffle and deal the cards, and plays last. The Asshole also supplies everyone else at the table with drinks, and must give his two best cards to the President in return for the President’s two worst calls at the beginning of play.

2.            Edward 40 Hands: For this game, all you need are two 40 ounce beers and duct tape for each player. You duct tape a 40 ounce beer to each hand, and you can’t take them off until you finish both beers.


1.            Beer Pong: For this game you need a ping pong table, plastic cups, and a ping pong ball.  Beer Pong is played with 2 teams consisting of 2 people per team. Each team is on one side of the table with 10 cups formed in the shape of a triangle and each cup filled 1/4 the way up with beer. The goal of the game is to eliminate all of your opponent’s cups before the cups on your side of the table are eliminated. You shoot the ping pong at your opponent’s cups and try to get the ping pong in one of their cups. When you make it, your opponents must remove the cup and drink the beer in the cup. First one to eliminate all their opponent’s cups wins.



If you need help with your addiction give us a call now at 1-800-984-4003.

Alcohol Myths:Debunked

Alcohol Myths: Debunked

By Jenny Hunt

February 17, 2012

We’ve all heard the rumors about alcohol: beer before liquor makes you sicker, drinking too much Budweiser will give you a beer belly, or drinking alcohol will keep you warm in cold weather. Are any of these alcohol myths actually true?

1.)    Liquor before beer, you’re in the clear. Beer before liquor, never sicker: Almost everyone has heard this saying. Basically, the rumor is that if you drink liquor, then beer, you won’t throw up. However, if chase beer with liquor, you will get sick. This urban legend is in fact, not true. Whether you vomit from alcohol consumption is based on your Blood Alcohol Content and has nothing to do with the type of alcoholic beverage you consume.

2.)    Drinking lots of beer will give you a “beer belly”: Many people believe consumption of large amounts of beer will cause you to gain weight in your stomach. However, recent studies confirm that beer drinkers have the same amount of belly fat as people who don’t drink beer.

3.)    Drinking alcohol is a good way to deal with cold weather: Drinking alcohol in cold weather can actually be pretty dangerous. Alcohol makes the blood vessels in your skin dilate, making you feel warm, even as it causes your core body temperature to decrease. The decreased core body temperature brought about by intoxication could lead to fatal hypothermia.

4.)    Eating a big meal before you drink will prevent you from getting drunk: Food does not decrease the amount of alcohol that is absorbed into your blood stream, it only slows it down.

5.)    The worm in the bottom of a bottle of Mexican tequila is a hallucinogen: Firstly, Mexican tequila does not contain worms. It is another Mexican liquor-mescal-that contains the worms. The worms are grown on special farms just for this purpose, but they are just worms and have no hallucinogenic properties.

6.)    Sucking on a penny or putting it under your tongue will help you pass a Breathalyzer test: A penny in the mouth will not change the results of a Breathalyzer test in any way. The copper in the penny, which is mostly zinc, does nothing to the breathalyzer. 

7.)    Drinking coffee will sober you up quickly: There are no shortcuts to sobriety. The body processes alcohol at the rate of 0.15 percent of blood alcohol content per hour. This is true regardless of age, weight, gender, or race.

8.)    The number ‘33’ on a bottle of Rolling Rock refers to the year Prohibition was lifted: 33 is actually a reference to the number of words in their slogan on the bottles of Rolling Rock. The author was keeping track of the number of words in each slogan and forgot to remove it. The mistake made it to production, and the buzz it created convinced the company to keep it on future bottles.

9.)    Alcohol destroys brain cells: Studies have shown that alcohol does not diminish or destroy brain cells. In fact, recent studies have shown that it actually improves brain function.

If you need help with your addiction give us a call now at 1-800-984-4003.

New Hangover Cures Flood the Market

New Hangover Cures Flood the Market

By Jenny Hunt

February 10, 2012

Have a little too much to drink last night? You aren’t alone. “How to cure a hangover” is one of the most Googled phrases of 2012. Recently, some smart product developers have stepped in and created products to meet that demand. Since this past New Years, the market has been flooded with products that are said to either cure or prevent a hangover.

1)      Bytox Hangover Prevention Remedy Patch: This product was developed by Alex Fleyshmakher after a night of hard partying and the subsequent hangover landed him in a doctor’s office. The Bytox patch is meant to be applied 45 minutes before you start drinking and worn for 8 hours after you stop. The patch contains several types of B vitamins, açaí berry, vitamins A, D, E and K, and folic and pantothenic acids. It is meant to replenish the vitamins and minerals that you lose while drinking.

2)      Blowfish Tablets: This product combines aspirin, caffeine and an antacid into an Alka-Seltzer-like effervescent tablet. A two-tablet dose of Blowfish (which is what the makers recommend for a typical hangover) contains 1,000 milligrams of aspirin and 120 milligrams of caffeine, which is equivalent of two extra strength aspirin and three shots of espresso. Blowfish was developed to fight the most common symptoms of a hangover: headache, fatigue, and upset stomach. Many hangover cure seekers wish to get these cures delivered to the office or other places where discretion is important. Responding to this demand, Blowfish Tablets are packaged in plain manila envelopes.

3)      B.cuz You Like to Party Vitamins: A new vitamin brand, b.cuz, plans to release these vitamins in February or March, just in time for spring break. The company’s founder says the vitamins will contain vitamins B and C, magnesium, and cysteine to replenish the vitamins lost during drinking.

4)      Mercy Soda: This product gained popularity when it was Gwyneth Paltrow told news reporters that she swears by it. Mercy soda is marketed as a hangover prevention product, not a hangover remedy. The best time to drink this hangover cure is while or shortly after drinking.  Makers of Mercy Soda even suggest that you mix it with your alcohol to make a cocktail. Mercy Soda is said to flush your system of acetaldehyde, the chemical that causes a hangover. It contains amino acids, antioxidants and vitamins

The effectiveness of these hangover cures has yet to be tested. Indeed, hangover cures are nothing new. There have always been pills and powders on the market that claim to cure or prevent hangovers.  No matter which hangover cure you choose to try, it is likely that not much will help you if you drink a lot. Indeed most medical experts agree that time is the only surefire way to cure a hangover.  However, there are ways to make your hangover more comfortable. Hot baths, lots of water, over the counter painkillers, caffeine are just a few ways you can treat the uncomfortable symptoms of a hangove

If you need help with your addiction give us a call now at 1-800-984-4003.